(09) 535 7218 (Mon-Fri, 8.30-4.30)

Management of cellulitis accompanying an abscess

In January 2019 new pathways were published for Skin and Soft Tissue Abscess in Adults, Mastitis and Breast Abscess and Bartholin’s Cyst or Abscess. Communications were sent via Medinz and the POAC blog – click here to sign up

Following review by the regional Antimicrobial Stewardship group please be reminded that any cellulitis surrounding an abscess should be managed in line with the cellulitis pathway (adults or children’s).  IV antibiotics are not funded by POAC for abscess management.

Skin and Soft Tissue Abscesses in Adults

Mastitis and Breast Abscess

Bartholin’s Cyst or Abscess

Cellulitis in Adults

Cellulitis in Children


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