(09) 535 7218 (Mon-Fri, 8.30-4.30)


Healthcare professionals may use the following online request forms to refer to POAC.

Refer to Aged Care Facility

For acute services only to avoid hospital admission, or for supporting early discharge. 

Refer here

Home Based Supports

Refer to POAC Auckland for short-term home-based support - personal care, wellness checks, medication prompting, and basic meal prep.

Refer here


Healthcare professionals may refer to POAC for radiology services using our online radiology request form.  

Refer here

Maternity Ultrasound

For women birthing in a Counties Manukau facility.  

  • Co-payment voucher

  • Clinical urgent scan requests

Refer here

LARC Referrals

Funding of LARC services are available across Te Whatu Ora Tamaki Makaurau

Find out more

IV Iron Infusions (ferinject)

Find out more about the eligibility for funded IV iron infusions and refer online to one of our infusion centres.

Read more

IV Antibiotics

Short-term use of IV antibiotics (usually 1-3 days) can be funded by POAC where the Auckland Region HealthPathway is followed, or where endorsed by a named Infectious Disease Consultant.

Referral from General Practice and Urgent Care: Submit referral via the Practice Management System (PMS) POAC form (in the usual way) and commence treatment

Referral from hospital: Document the treatment plan in the discharge summary, stating funded under POAC and include the POAC contact phone number.  Patients should take the EDS and attend a chosen Urgent Care Clinic, or contact their own GP to request an appointment.  

No medication or prescription is required unless this is a hospital-only drug.

NB: This service is not currently available in the home and is only for patients who are clinically stable and can mobilise to attend in clinic


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