(09) 535 7218 (Mon-Fri, 8.30-4.30)

POAC important updates Nov 2022

POAC Christmas Hours- POAC coordination will be available throughout this time, with the exception of the statutory holidays. Please continue to refer in the usual way. Note there may be reduced capacity for respite admissions over this time, and referrals received after 12 noon will likely not be admitted until the following day unless pre-arranged with the facility.

IV iron HealthPathway –updated dosing June 2022. Single dose 1000mg for all patients over 35kg –see here . This has been confirmed as a safe and effective dose for all patients, irrespective of weight or degree of anaemia. Multiple doses are no longer funded. Completion of the on line referral form is no longer required when Ferinject is given at your  own practice.

ACC swallowed foreign body -ACC will fund a plain X-ray when there is suspicion of injury. There is no requirement for a confirmed injury to access funding for imaging. Clinicians must clearly state the suspicion of injury when lodging the ACC claim or the claim is likely to be rejected. Without suspicion of injury, imaging is not funded by ACC.

POAC will fund an X-ray  IF the X-ray can be obtained without delay AND the results reviewed immediately ONLY in the following circumstance:

  • in asymptomatic patients, if there are no red flags, but the nature of the swallowed object is unknown.
  • if recommended by a specialist.

See HealthPathway update here

Diabetic foot and use of IV antibiotics- regional POAC Clinical Governance continues to evaluate sentinel event cases in this patient group.

The use of IV antibiotics in primary care for patients with diabetes and active foot disease will only be funded where there is clear documentation of discussion with a named endorsing specialist prior to treatment. Patients simply refusing hospital admission is not a criterion  for use of IV antibiotics funded through POAC. 


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