(09) 535 7218 (Mon-Fri, 8.30-4.30)

Cellulitis HealthPathway-important updated advice for atypical location sites (e.g. hands, face, over a joint)

A recent review of POAC cellulitis cases has identified many cases where IV antibiotics have been administered for cellulitis at locations other than on limbs

A sample of these cases has been reviewed with the regional Infectious Diseases specialists and the following changes have been made to the best practice recommendations within the Cellulitis HealthPathway:

-when cellulitis location is atypical (hand, face ,head and neck, over a joint) specialist discussion is advised for all but mild cases. Many cases require specialist assessment and management in secondary care. Mild cases would be trialed with oral antibiotics and discussed with a specialist if not settling

-If giving IV antibiotics for cellulitis at atypical locations, either 1st line or when oral treatment has failed, specialist endorsement is recommended

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