(09) 535 7218 (Mon-Fri, 8.30-4.30)

Rivaroxaban now an option pre-ultrasound for delayed DVT scans

The ultrasound DVT pathway has been updated to include a stat dose of 15mg oral Rivaroxaban where there is a delay >6 hours to ultrasound. This is an alternative to administering Clexane.

Ensure to check contraindications and cautions - see link here for the Ultrasound DVT information

The on-call Haematologist should be called for Friday delays where >1 dose may be required over the weekend.

In addition to this change, note:

  • Always calculate the Wells score FIRST unless special case (thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, upper limb)
  • The D-dimer is only required IF Wells <2
  • Clexane is only funded as a stat dose pre scan where delay to scan >6hours. If DVT confirmed, POAC funds one teaching session for Clexane if required, the drug (post diagnosis) is covered by Pharmac SA if required
  • Call thrombosis service here to discuss any distal /recurrence DVT cases as patients may not require same day hospital review


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