(09) 535 7218 (Mon-Fri, 8.30-4.30)

POAC funding of X-ray

An internal review of radiology cases claimed under POAC has highlighted many X-ray requests that do not align with the plain X-Ray HealthPathway 

POAC funded X-ray should be reserved for same day imaging where results will inform immediate management and/or determine requirement for acute hospital admission.  To support claims, clinical notes submitted to POAC must include documentation of same—day review  of the X-ray result and the subsequent plan for patient care.  

When X-ray results will not inform immediate management patients should be referred:
• to their DHB walk-in service for CXR (all DHBs) and AXR (ADHB only); or 
• via DHB e-Referral or Access to Diagnostics .

A number of clams have been submitted for abdominal x rays in the work up of renal stones. Abdominal X-ray  is no longer recommended for initial diagnosis of renal stones, and claims will be declined unless the imaging has been endorsed by a named specialist.    Refer Renal Colic HealthPathway


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